How CARBON FILTERS work: Why are they essential in IVF incubators?

Carbon filters are used to remove toxic gases, hazardous fumes, and odors. These filters are constructed from high-quality carbon pellets and durable chemical-resistant cases.

Activated carbon has special properties that permit it to eliminate volatile organic compounds (VOCs), odors, and other gaseous pollutants from the air. It is able to do this in a way that is different from other filters like HEPA that only filter particle pollution from the air.  These carbon filters trap gaseous pollutants via the process of adsorption. During the adsorption process, gas molecules stick to the surface of the carbon granules. When carbon is activated, its surface and adsorption site increases allowing the absorbance of more contaminants like the various VOCs.

Air quality: A crucial factor in IVF

Air contaminants that range from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to particulate materials like pollens, and or allergens, are regarded damaging to embryo growth and development in vitro. Esco Medical Incubators (MIRI®, MIRI® TL, and Mini MIRI®) have a reliable gas mixing system that allows gas phase flexibility. It has a gas mixer that provides total control over CO2 and O2 concentration levels, and at the same time, allows flexibility over what gas input is desired. The high quality airstream is achieved through the HEPA/VOC filter, wherein gas in the incubator is continuously recirculated. This ensures the circulation of the highest possible quality of air to the cultures.

About Esco Medical 

Esco Medical is the leading manufacturer and innovator of high-quality equipment such as long-term embryo incubators, ART workstations, anti-vibration table, time- lapse incubator and is continuously developing advanced technologies to meet the increasing demand of the IVF industry.


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